Updated at: 2022-12-09 03:49:50
Data applications include: data search, data visualization, and data exception alert: 
• Data search: It supports filtering and searching of the aggregated massive data by Log Grouping, Search Conditions (SPL search statement, full-text search, field search and others), TimePicker, Field Filter, etc. to quickly locate the required information. It also supports New/Save/Open/Share search operations, as detailed in the section Search of AnyRobot User Guide ;
• Data visualization: It is an important means of data analysis. Through visualization, the user can perform various aggregated statistical analysis on log fields, and assemble the aggregated results into charts. For details, please refer to the section Visualization of AnyRobot User Guide ;
• Data exception alert: The user can set alert on the data accessed by AnyRobot, including real-time alert and scheduled alert. For real-time alert, the user can set event count alert and field aggregation alert; for scheduled alert, the user can set source log non-aggregation alert. For details, please refer to the section Alert of AnyRobot User Guide .