Updated at: 2022-12-09 03:49:50
Root Cause Analytics adopts decision tree algorithm, and the key variables are analyzed by statistically analyzing the influence degree of independent variable characteristics on target variables.
A complete root cause analytics task requires two parts: data preview and model computation: 
• Data Preview: It is to visualize the data and dimensions that users want to analyze;
• Model Computation: It is to provide a variety of algorithms for users to select different algorithms and parameters for model computation as needed.
To create a new Root Cause Analytics, the specific steps are as follows:
1. Click Machine Learning > New to create New machine learning task, and click Help to view the Brief and Scenario for Show of the root cause analytics machine learning task, as follows: 
2. Click Root Cause Analytics for parameter configuration, and click Help to view the brief, usage help, parameter configuration guidance, and algorithm introduction of Root Cause Analytics, as follows: 
3. Configure data preview: Data preview is to display the raw data of the data that users want to analyze. To configure the data preview, click Preview to view the raw data list of feature field and information field.

1) The configuration parameters are as follows: 
Field Name
* Saved Search The saved search is used to identify the data source.
* Time It is to filter the selected data by time range. It supports quick selection and time period selection.
* Feature Field It is the feature (cause) field to be analyzed.
* Target Field It is the target (result) field to be analyzed.
Note: The target field cannot be the same as the feature field.
2) Click Preview to view the raw data list of feature field and information field of the data preview result..
4. Configure model computation
Root Cause Analytics supports decision tree algorithm. Decision tree is a nonparametric supervised learning method, which usually adopts top-down design. For every iteration loop, an eigenvalue will be selected to bifurcate until it cannot bifurcate. Among them, the branches in the decision tree represent the decision rules (IF THEN rules), the leaf nodes in the decision tree represent the results of the IF THEN rules, and the values of the target variables can be predicted through the IF THEN rules.
The configuration parameters are as follows: 

1) Configure Decision Tree algorithm parameters: 
Field Name
Description Restrictive Condition
Attributes Splitting The judgment method of impurity, there are two kinds: Gini Coefficient and Information Gain. -
Max Tree Depth The maximum number of levels of the decision tree. If it is not filled in, the default value will be used for algorithm. If the tree is too complex, you can set it to prevent over-fitting. It must be an integer greater than 5.
Max Features It is the maximum number of feature values used for classification, all feature values are used by default, and Sqrt, Log2 can also be selected. -
Each Node Min Samples It is the minimum number of samples to form a branch of a decision tree, below which no new branch will be formed. It must be an integer greater than 2.
Leaf Node Min Samples It is the minimum number of samples contained in each leaf node. It must be an integer greater than 1.
Leaf Node Min Samples Ratio It is the minimum number ration of samples contained in each leaf node. Value in [0, 0.5]
Max Leaf Nodes It is the maximum number of leaf nodes. If it is not filled in, the default value will be used for algorithm. It must be an integer greater than 10.
Each Node Lowest Impurity It is the minimum impurity, below which no new branch will be formed. If it is not filled in, the default value will be used for algorithm. Value in [0, 0.5]
2) Click Preview to view the model computation result.
The model computation includes two parts: Importance Ratio of Feature (Cause) Field and Root Cause Rule List:
Field Name
Feature Fields Importance Ratio It is the importance ratio of the feature (cause) field to the target (result) field, presented by a pie chart.
Root Cause Rule It is the rule details of each rule branch of the decision tree, as well as the number and ratio of events that meet this rule.
5. After completing the above configuration, click Save to fill in the machine learning task Name, and click OK to complete the machine learning task creation.