Updated at: 2022-12-09 03:49:50
KPI calculation template is used as a unified KPI calculation template for indicators with the same data source and calculation execution frequency (such as MySQL host performance monitoring indicators), thus improving search and aggregation calculation performance and simplifying KPI parameter configuration. In the KPI Calculation Template page, you can create, edit, delete and view templates.
► New KPI Calculation Template
1. Click KAI > Configuration > KPI Calculation Template > New, as follows:

The configuration parameters are as follows:
• Data Source: It is to determine the data source for KPI calculation. For detailed parameter configuration, please refer to the section Configuring KPI-Data Source ;
• Entity: It is to configure whether entity splitting is enabled. After entity splitting is enabled, entity KPI calculation can be performed on the split entity, and entity drilling-down is supported in the service analyzer. For detailed parameter configuration, please refer to the section Configuring KPI-Entity ;
• Indicator Configuration: It is to configure indicator calculation threshold field, calculation method, data gap filling and indicator unit. For detailed parameter configuration, please refer to the section Configuring KPI-KPI Calculation . Multiple indicator parameters can be created, and the added indicator parameters can be searched, edited or deleted.

1. Entity KPI Calculation configuration items will be displayed in New Indicator page only after Split Entities function is enabled.
2. If the KPI calculation template has been associated with a service, and the indicators in the KPI calculation template are deleted, aggregation calculation will be stopped for the indicators and the service associated with the indicators, and the result will be displayed as N/A.
• Execute Plan: It is to set the frequency to perform threshold field search and aggregation calculation. The range is 1 - 30 minutes, and the default is 5 minutes.
2. After completing the configuration, click Save to complete the KPI Calculation Template creation.
► Edit/Delete/View KPI Calculation Template
It supports viewing/editing the created KPI calculation template. KPI calculation templates can be deleted in single or in batch, as follows:

Note: If the KPI calculation template is associated with a service, it cannot be deleted.
► New KPI Calculation Template
1. Click KAI > Configuration > KPI Calculation Template > New, as follows:

The configuration parameters are as follows:
• Data Source: It is to determine the data source for KPI calculation. For detailed parameter configuration, please refer to the section Configuring KPI-Data Source ;
• Entity: It is to configure whether entity splitting is enabled. After entity splitting is enabled, entity KPI calculation can be performed on the split entity, and entity drilling-down is supported in the service analyzer. For detailed parameter configuration, please refer to the section Configuring KPI-Entity ;
• Indicator Configuration: It is to configure indicator calculation threshold field, calculation method, data gap filling and indicator unit. For detailed parameter configuration, please refer to the section Configuring KPI-KPI Calculation . Multiple indicator parameters can be created, and the added indicator parameters can be searched, edited or deleted.

1. Entity KPI Calculation configuration items will be displayed in New Indicator page only after Split Entities function is enabled.
2. If the KPI calculation template has been associated with a service, and the indicators in the KPI calculation template are deleted, aggregation calculation will be stopped for the indicators and the service associated with the indicators, and the result will be displayed as N/A.
• Execute Plan: It is to set the frequency to perform threshold field search and aggregation calculation. The range is 1 - 30 minutes, and the default is 5 minutes.
2. After completing the configuration, click Save to complete the KPI Calculation Template creation.
► Edit/Delete/View KPI Calculation Template
It supports viewing/editing the created KPI calculation template. KPI calculation templates can be deleted in single or in batch, as follows:

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