Updated at: 2022-12-09 03:49:50
1. Click Alert > Alert Policy > Scene > + New to enter the New Scene interface, as follow: 

► Basics:
Field Name Description Restrictive Condition
Scene Name The name of scene policy ≤32 characters
Tag The tag of scene policy ≥5 tags
Note Complemental description -
► Trigger:
Field Name Description
Alert Type The type of alert: Real-Time Alert, Scheduled Alert
Scene Rule • If the alert type is real-time alert: Only the rule policy for real-time alert can be selected in the scene rule;
• If the alert type is scheduled alert: Only the rule policy for scheduled alert can be selected in the scene rule.
Note: Multiple scene rule policies can be added.
Rules Relation Currently only OR is supported, which means that the selected scene rules are connected by OR, and any one of them can trigger an alert.
► Alert Plan:
Field Name Description
Execute Plan The execution cycle of alert scene policy; every 1 minute by default
Note: This configuration item is only supported by Scheduled Alert.
Alert Date The enabled date range of alert scene policy
Alert Time The specific time every day (00: 00: 00) of enabled alert scene policy within the alert date range
Alert Limit To avoid alert storm, alert limit can be set so that alert records can be generated according to alert suppression frequency: 
• No Limit: It means real-time judgment or judgment according to the execution plan, and an alert record is generated for each triggered alert;
• Enable Limit: By default, only one alert is sent once in 10 minutes, which means only one record is generated no matter how many alerts are triggered in 10 minutes for this alert scene

1. Use the same signature and short message template ID to send short message to the same phone number, maximum 50 messages/day. So alert suppression≥10 minutes in order to avoid quick consuming SMS;
2. If short message count/day can meet actual needs, please contact Aliyun aftersales. 

► Triggered Action:
It is to set the policy of notification and forwarding after an alert is triggered. Supportive for alert notice, HTTP forwarding, Syslog forwarding. Every triggered action type should be added no more than 5 tasks.
• None: Only alert record is generated, and no alert record is sent or forwarded by task;
• Alert Notice: Supportive for sending alert notification by email, SMS, WeChat as follows: 

Inform User: You can click User to select the created user(s) in the dropdown list (add 10 users at most) and may check whether the user has been bound with Email, Phone Number and WeChat; Click New User to edit user information. You can set the Languges for Alert Notice: 简体中文/English.

1. SMTP server configuration must be completed before using the email notice method. For details, please refer to the section
SMTP Email Server Configuration
2. Before enabling WeChat notice, please complete the binding between the enterprise WeChat service account and AnyRobot system to ensure that the alert message can be received normally. For details, please refer to the section
Appendix WeChat Service Account System Binding Process.
3. SMTP server configuration must be completed before using SMS Notification. For details, please refer to the section
SMS Notification .
4. Before enabling alert notice, please confirm the Email, Phone Number, WeChat parameters configuration for the notified
New User

• Forward HTTP Alert: Alert message is forwarded by HTTP to a third-party platform such as an alert monitoring platform, as follows: 
Field Name Description Restrictive Condition
To The Address of the platform to receive the forwarded alert message: Port or Domain Name:IP:Port or Domain Name The forwarding address must start with http: // or https: //, and the default is http: //.
Request Method The HTTP data request method, including POST or PUT, and the default is POST. -
Forward Content The actual alert data forwarded to a third-party platform, which can be exported manually or generated directly from the editor.
• by Editor: editing the content to be forwarded, including the Field Name and Field Value. After editing, click Generate to view the edited Content below.
• Forwarding content must meet the Json format;
• The length of the Field Name≤32 characters
Language Set alert forwarding language: 简体中文/English -
Verify After clicking Verify to indicate successful sending, please log in to the HTTP server and check whether the alert is in the correct format to ensure that the alert message can be forwarded by HTTP. -
• Forward Syslog Alert: Alert message is forwarded by Syslog to a third-party platform such as an alert monitoring platform, as follows: 
Field Name Description Restrictive Condition
To The IP Address of the platform to receive the forwarded alert message -
Forward Port The port number for the third-party platform to receive the forwarding 0-65535
Transfer Protocol The data transmission protocol, including TCP or UDP, and the default is TCP -
Severity The severity of the log generated in Syslog, including: Critical, Error, Warning, Informational, Debug Combination of Severity and Facility options can determine whether alert messages need to be sent to a third-party service platform that receives Syslog
Facility The program module that generates the log in Syslog
Forward Content The actual alert data forwarded to a third-party platform, which can be exported manually or generated directly from the editor.
► By Editor: It is used to edit the content to be forwarded, including: type and information. The type configuration supports the following two types: 
• Real-Time Alert: It supports three types of forwarding content: alert messages, custom text and log field;
• Scheduled Alert: It supports two types of forwarding content: alert message and custom text.
Note: After editing, click Generate to view the edited Content below
Language Set alert forwarding language: 简体中文/English -
Verify  After clicking Verify to indicate successful sending, please log in to the Syslog server and check whether the alert is in the correct format to ensure that the alert message can be forwarded by Syslog. -

Click Forward HTTP Alert or Forward Syslog Alert to automatically prompt the help tips on the right side of the page. After closing the help, you can click Help on the top right corner of the page to view again. 

2. After configuration, click Save to finish scene policy creation.