Updated at: 2022-12-09 03:49:50
The system administrator (admin) or users with authorization of patrol task management module can click Patrol Management > Patrol Task Management to create, edit, delete patrol tasks and assign patrollers. The specific steps are as follows: 
1. Click + New to create new patrol task, as follows:
Field Name Description Restrictive Condition
Patrol Task Name The name of patrol task • The name is unique.
• Input range: 1 - 32 characters
Patrol Item The name of the specific patrol item included in the patrol task • Multiple ones can be added.
• Input range: 1 - 32 characters
Patrol Item location The location of the system module corresponding to the patrol item, which can be selected from the dropdown list by clicking on it. Patrol is not allowed on license management interface.
Note A detailed explanation of the steps of patrol item -
Patroller The patroller responsible for this patrol task. All created users in the system can be selected from the dropdown list. -
2. After configuring the above parameters, click Save to complete the patrol task creation.
3. In the Patrol Task Management list, you can view the list of created patrol tasks, and assign tasks, edit and delete the patrol tasks, as follows: 

1. After editing a patrol task, the patrol task information and status will be updated in real time, and the historical patrol records before 00: 00: 00 on current day will not be affected;
2. If the patrol task is deleted, the patrol task of the current day is deleted simultaneously, and the historical patrol record is kept.