Updated at: 2022-12-09 03:49:50
Two-factor authentication management is to configure two-factor authentication information. Users can log in and verify through account password and SMS verification code.
1. Click Settings > System > Authentication > Auth Config with the configuration parameters as follows:
Field Name Description
Mode It is to enable/disable two-factor authentication. After enabling, the system login needs to be verified by SMS.
Auth Mode It is to select authentication method: account password + SMS.
SMS Provider It is to select SMS Provider: Aliyun SMS Service
* Domain It is to enter authentication parameters for accessing Aliyun SMS
* Region ID It is to enter authentication parameters for accessing Aliyun SMS
* AccessKey ID It is to enter the service key of the SMS provider to access the SMS service
* Access Secret It is to enter authentication parameters for accessing Aliyun SMS. You need to apply to the SMS provider.
* Signature It is to enter SMS prefix, and submit information for SMS provider to review.
* Template ID It is to define SMS sending format and submit it to SMS provider to approval.
2. After completing the parameter configuration, click to Enable 2FA;
3. Click Save to verify the SMS service. After the verification, the two-factor authentication will be successfully enabled.

Note: Before enabling two-factor authentication, please confirm whether a valid mobile phone number has been filled in the user configuration information.