Updated at: 2022-12-09 03:49:50
► Edit/Delete Host Group
Click Data Source > Agent > Host, select the desired host group in the host group list, and click to edit/delete the host group, as follows:

Note: After the host group is deleted, the hosts in the host group will be moved into ungrouped host group.
► Add Host
Select the desired host group in the host grouping list, click +Add Host, select the hosts to be added to the host group in the pop-up Add, and click OK, as follows:

Click Data Source > Agent > Host, select the desired host group in the host group list, and click to edit/delete the host group, as follows:

► Add Host
Select the desired host group in the host grouping list, click +Add Host, select the hosts to be added to the host group in the pop-up Add, and click OK, as follows:

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