Updated at: 2022-12-09 03:49:50
Patrol management module is for patroller to execute system patrol task and record patrol result. The system administrator can create and assign patrol tasks and view patrol history, to monitor the implementation of the patrol task and patrol result, for effective implementation and supervision of the system daily operation and troubleshooting.
In the left navigation bar, click Patrol Management, the interface contains 2 parts: Patrol History and Patrol Task Management, as follows:

Note: Only the users who have the authority of Patrol Management module can view this function module. To make authorization of this module, you can click Settings > Authority > Role to configure.
Click Patrol in the upper right, the patroller can easily view the list of patrol tasks, execute patrol task and record patrol result, as follows:

In the left navigation bar, click Patrol Management, the interface contains 2 parts: Patrol History and Patrol Task Management, as follows:

Click Patrol in the upper right, the patroller can easily view the list of patrol tasks, execute patrol task and record patrol result, as follows:

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