Updated at: 2022-12-09 03:49:50
Search condition includes: fulltext retrieval, phrase query, field value retrieval, logical operator retrieval and SPL command retrieval.
► Fulltext Retrieval: 
Full-text retrieval supports space self-parsing, and space is parsed with AND logic to realize multiple-keyword combination search. Search results and keywords can be accurately matched, and the matched keywords are highlighted.
For keyword retrieving, the system is not case sensitive; For querying by multiple keywords, the order of keywords is not distinguished.

Note: If the search keyword itself contains spaces, escape character "" or double quotation marks should be added, and the search results will be sorted by time by default.
Common examples of full-text retrieval scenarios are as follows:
Application Scenes Description Restrictive Condition
Enter a single keyword Enter a single keyword in the search box, such as MySQL, and the search results will only display log information containing MySQL • If a single keyword is a stop word or a stop character (punctuation mark), and the stop word and the stop character do not have special meaning in the log information, the search action will not be performed;
• Symbols with special meaning, such as @ symbol in email address, symbol in http link, "-" symbol in 2020-09-01, etc., can be automatically identified and matched.
Enter multiple keywords
(space delimited)
If multiple keywords are entered in the search box, such as MySQL CPU Error, the search result will only display log information containing all three keywords: MySQL, CPU, Error. Spaces are automatically segmented by AND logic, and the order of keywords in the search input box has no difference for searching.
Enter consecutive keywords
(space escape)
Enter multiple keywords in the search box and make escape spaces, such as Alert Failure, the search results only display log information containing Alert and Failure. The order should ensure that the Alert is before the Failure, which is consistent with the input order of the search box.
Note: The search result is equivalent to the input: "Alert Failure". After adding " " double quotation marks, the search result only displays the log information in the same order as the input in the search box.
• In this scenario, spaces are escaped, so full-text retrieval is not performed;
• If there is a continuous stop word or stop character between two keywords, it will also be displayed in the search results.
Enter keywords containing stop characters Enter: apache_access in the search box, and the log information displayed in the search results may include: apache_access, apache access, apache?access and so on (that is, apache+1 stop character + access will be displayed in the search results). The "_" symbol has no special meaning in this scenario, so it is treated as a stop character, and no search is performed on "_".
Enter keywords containing spaces and stop words Enter: apache as access in the search box, where the as has no special meaning attached to the aggregated log information, with display: No search result In this scenario, the as is used as a stop word, which can be understood as a search with three keywords: apache AND as AND access, but search is not performed on stop word, so the search execution result is No Data.
Enter keywords containing " " double quotation mark Enter: "apache as access" in the search box, and the search results will only display the log information containing apache and access, and the display order as apache logs in front while access logs leaving behind. In this scenario, the as is used as a stop word. After adding " ", ignore the stop word, and then perform the search.
Keyword + * Enter MySQL* in the search box, and the search results will display all log information that starts with MySQL. -
* + Keyword Enter *MySQL in the search box, and the search results will display all log information that ends with MySQL. -
* + Keyword + * Enter *MySQL* in the search box, and the search results will display all log information containing MySQL. -
Enter keywords containing "&&" mark If MySQL && CPU are entered in the search box, the search result will display log information containing the two keywords: MySQL, CPU. The logic of "&&" is consistent with AND
Enter keywords containing "||" mark If MySQL || CPU are entered in the search box, the search result will display log information containing one of the two keywords: MySQL, CPU. The logic of "||" is consistent with OR

Note: Stop words refer to some words that will be automatically filtered out before or after processing natural language data (or text) in order to save storage space and improve search efficiency in information retrieval. These words are called stop words. If a stop word has a special meaning in the log information, the system will perform search action on it. Stop words are usually article, preposition, adverb or conjunction in English. Common stop words are: a, an, and, are, as, at, be, but, by, for, if, in, into, is, it, no, not, of, on, or, such, that, the, their, then, there, these, they, this, to, was, will, with.
• Example: After entering "hostname source" and searching, the result will contain both hostname and source, and the matched words will be highlighted, as follows:
► Phrase Retrieval
For Phrase Retrieval, you need to enclose the phrase in double quotes and the result is not case sensitive.
• Example: To query "hostname", the matched log must also contain "hostname".
► Field Value Retrieval
To filter data according to specific field value, users can use the field value retrieval method to filter data.
The format is: field: value, of which the field is field, the field type is string, the search is case sensitive, and it is not allowed to use the mark ? * etc.; value can be a string or a numeric value, and the string is case sensitive, and the * character can be used.
• Example: type: exchange: Means to filter the data of log type exchange.
► Logical Operator Retrieval
Logical operators include: AND, OR, NOT, (), where AND, OR, NOT must be uppercase. Search by logical operators can improve search efficiency.
• Example 1: exchange AND Microsoft Exchange Server: Means exchange and Microsoft Exchange Server must be available at the same time in the log to match the search condition. AND can be defaulted;

• Example 2: Test OR Agent: Means only Test and Agent must be available at the same time in the log to match the search condition.
• Example 3: NOT Test: Means that only logs that do not contain the Test field match the search condition;
• Example 4: Test AND (Agent OR aix): Means that the log must contain the Test and any one of agent and aix to match the search condition, where () can include changeable Boolean algorithm.
► SPL Command
SPL commands include rename command, parse command, join command, top command, and stats command. The combination of commands is supported, and log data field can be renamed, dynamically extracted, and analyzed for correlation.
♦ Rename command
It is mainly to solve the problem of reprocessing data that has been aggregated, and you can rename the fields as needed.

Note: The renaming takes effect only when the rename command is running, but will be invalid after the end of running.
Format: * | rename field as renamed name
• Usage 1: Rename one field
  Example 1: Enter: * | rename host as hosts, means to rename the field "host" to "hosts", as follows: 
• Usage 2: Rename multiple fields
   Example 2: Enter: * | rename host as hosts, datatime as datatimes, means to rename the field "host" to "hosts", "datatime" to "datatimes", as follows: 

► Parse command
♦ It is to extract fields dynamically in searching, and filter the data in the system by newly extracted fields.

Note: The newly extracted fields in regular expression regex cannot have repeated name with existing fields.
Format: * | parse ""
• Usage 1: Field extraction of original log
  Example 1: Enter: * | parse "(?d+.d+.d+.d+)", is to extract the log data ip information and generate the ip field. d+)", which is used to extract the log data ip information and generate the ip field, and to extract the ip field values uniformly.
• Usage 2: Field re-extraction of parsed fields
  Example: Enter: * | parse @timestamp "(?S+)s(?d{2}).*", is to extract the "time" field twice for "date" and "hour" respectively.
• Usage 3: Use in conjunction with the Rename command
Example 3: Enter: * | parse @timestamp "(?S+)s(?d{2})*" | rename source as sources, is to extract the @timestamp field and rename "source" to "sources".
► Join command
It is to provide convenient data association for temporary analysis and data cleaning. You can associate the result (field set) of the main search and the result (field set) of a sub-search with the key field by Join command in AnyRobot system.
Format: * | join type=left field-list [sub-search]
• type: connection type, including inner connection and left connection, and the default is left connection (non-mandatory). The inner connection means that there must be a record of the value of the related field in the database table for main search and the sub-search before the data can be retrieved. The left connection means that there must be a record of the value of the related field in the database for main search before the data can be retrieved.
• field-list: Connection field, mandatory
• sub-search: Mandatory, and the result of sub-search is linked to the main search.
• Usage 1: Use in conjunction with the Rename command to rename related field
  Example: enter: type: "as access log" | join type=left error ID [type: "https alert forwarding"] | rename error ID as error IDs, means to make left connection between the data containing an "error ID" in the "as access log" and the data containing an "error ID" in "https alert forwarding", and rename "error IDs" are renamed to "error IDs";
• Usage 2: Extract the field with the parse command, then use the join command to associate the field
  Example 2: Enter: type: "as access log" | parse user “(?.*)" | join type=inner username [type: "as action log"] | rename user as username.
► Top command
It is to make statistics of the set of the most frequent values in all the values of the specified field. The return result contains the count of the value and its percentage. It supports the statistics of frequency after grouping by field.
► Stats command
Stats is a basic command, as a prerequisite for performing search and visual reconstruction. It is to make aggregated statistics of the search results, including: Count, Max, Min, avg, Sum, Percent Distribution, Percentile Rank.
You can also use the by statement to classify the fields specified in the by statement, and then make aggregated statistics in each classification. The returned result is the corresponding result set for each classification.
Format: *| stats stats-function (field1, field2...) AS field BY field-list
• Stats-function: eval function expression
• (field1, field2...): aggregated fields
• AS field: Specify a field to store the result set of aggregated statistics
• BY field-list: Optional parameter, to set the specified field for aggregated statistics calculation
State-function is summarized as follows: 
Function Name Result Statement
min Calculate the minimum value of the fields stats min(a) by type
max Calculate the maximum value of the fields stats max(a) by type
avg Calculate the average value of the fields stats avg(a) by type
extended_stats Calculate the number, maximum, minimum, average, sum, squared sum, variance, standard deviation of the fields stats extended_stats(a) by type
sum Calculate the sum of the fields stats sum(a) by type
percentiles Calculate the values in different percentiles stats percentiles(a,30,60,90) by type
percentile_ranks Calculate the percentile of different values stats percentile_ranks(arPort,5140,20011,20012)
cardinality Calculate the number of different field values stats cardinality(a) by type
count Calculate the number of fields stats count(a) by type

Note: min、max、avg、extended_stats、sum、percentiles、percentile_ranks functions only allow the statistics of numeric fields.
• Usage 1: Returns the average transfer rate for each host
Example 1: sourcetype=access* | stats avg(kbps) BY host
• Usage 2: Search the access log to calculate the total number of top 100 values in the "referer_domain" field
Example 2: Input: sourcetype=access_combined | top limit=100 referer_domain | stats sum(count) AS total
• Usage 3: For a field [sales] with field values of 15, 15, 30, 40, 50: 
• Count: Return the count of the target field (any type of field). stats count (sales) = 5
• Max: Return the maximum field value in the target field (numeric field). stats max (sales) = 50
• Min: Return the minimum field value in the target field (numeric field). stats min (sales) = 15
• Avg: Return the average field value in the target field (numeric field). stats avg (sales) = 30
• Sum: Return the sum value of the target field (numeric field). stats sum (sales) = 150
• Cardinality: Return the deduplication count of the target field (any type of field). stats cardinality (sales) = 4
• Extended_stats, returns the count, maximum, minimum, average, sum, squared sum, variance, standard deviation of the target fields (numeric fields). stats extended_stats (sales) = 5 (count), 50 (maximum), 15 (minimum), 30 (average), 150 (sum), 5450 (squared sum), 237.5 (variance), 15.41104 (standard deviation)
• Percentiles: Return a custom percentile of the target field (numeric field). stats percentiles (sales, 70) = 38, meaning that 70% of sales are less than 38. stats percentiles (sales, 20, 50, 90) =15, 30, 46, meaning that 20% of sales are less than 15; 50% of sales are less than 30; 90% of sales are less than 46.
• Percentile_ranks: Return the percentile corresponding to the value of the specified field (numeric). stats percentile_ranks (sales, 50) = 100%, meaning that sales 50 corresponds to the percentile of 100%, i.e., 100% sales are less than 50.