Updated at: 2022-12-09 03:49:50
Click Data Source > File Statistics > Aggregation, where you can view the basic information, aggregation status, Agent running status, aggregation execution frequency, file aggregation details, search files, clear log aggregation records, and perform other functional operations.

1. Click the 
icon to customize column entries displayed;
2. It supports filtering and displaying file aggregation list data by Applications, Aggregation, Agent, and Task Status.
3. It supports displaying data in the file aggregation list in ascending or descending order by Host Name, IP, Aggregation and Latest Update.
Field Name Description
Host Name The name of the Agent target host
IP The IP address of target host
Applications The log type of the aggregated file
Tag The log tag of the aggregated file
File Path The file path of the target file, including: absolute path, actual path
File Name The name of the target file (with suffix)
Latest Update The last modification time of the target file at the end of the aggregation
File Size The size of the file aggregation data
File Bytes The number of file aggregation bytes
Aggregated The amount of file data aggregation
Aggregate Offset The offset of the target file at the end of the aggregation
Total Logs The number of log entries aggregated
Aggregation The aggregation status includes: 
: File aggregation task completed
: File aggregation task paused
:  File aggregation task in progress
Task Name The name of Agent task
Schedule The execution plan of Agent task
Latest Aggregate The end time of log file aggregation
Agent  The status of Agent running: 
: Agent Client running is normal
: Agent Client running is abnormal
Task The current status of the running task, including Running, Paused, Invalid, Pending, Abnormal, Offline
• Checking Agent Running Info: 
Click Running Info in the action column, to view the basic information and running information of the Agent client, as follows: 
Note: If there are exception task running records, you can click   to unfold and check the corresponding original log information.
• Check Whole Aggregate Record: 
Click Action > More > Aggregate Record, to check the action record of Agent log file aggregation or clearing, which can be filtered and queried through TimePicker, as follows:

• Check Aggregate Log: 
Click Action > More > Aggregate Log, to check the aggregate log in Search, as follows: 
• It supports the display of file aggregation list information filtered by TimePicker or Keywords (Host Name, IP, File Name) as follows: 

Clear file aggregation records: click Clear All to clear the file aggregation records as follows: