Updated at: 2022-12-09 03:49:50
After a backup job is started, you can view the current execution information of the job in Backup and Recovery>Data Backup>Monitor.
Step 1 Log into the console as a tenant or an operator.
Step 2 Click Backup and Recovery>Data Backup>Monitor, to enter the Monitor tab.
Step 3 In the Monitor tab, you can view the general execution information for the backup jobs directly.
Step 4 Select a job and click Details, you can view the specific information: job execution information and execution output.
Step 5 After that, you can click “>” to fold it.
Step 1 Log into the console as a tenant or an operator.
Step 2 Click Backup and Recovery>Data Backup>Monitor, to enter the Monitor tab.
Step 3 In the Monitor tab, you can view the general execution information for the backup jobs directly.
Step 4 Select a job and click Details, you can view the specific information: job execution information and execution output.
Step 5 After that, you can click “>” to fold it.
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