Updated at: 2022-12-09 03:49:50
Step 1 Open the cmd window as an administrator and execute sc query bcloudsafe to check whether the file data filter driver is installed.

Step 2 If the file data filter driver is installed, uninstall following Chapter 7.2 before installation.
Step 3 If the file data filter driver is not installed, open the client installation directory AnyBackupClientClientServicewindowswindows, open cmd as an administrator and execute install.bat.

Step 4 Check the driver status by sc query bcloudsafe.

Step 2 If the file data filter driver is installed, uninstall following Chapter 7.2 before installation.
Step 3 If the file data filter driver is not installed, open the client installation directory AnyBackupClientClientServicewindowswindows, open cmd as an administrator and execute install.bat.

Step 4 Check the driver status by sc query bcloudsafe.

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