Updated at: 2022-12-09 03:49:50

Work with Smart Search

  • Search by keyword
Users who remember a little information (file name, text content, or abstract) of a file/folder rather than where it exactly is can use the advanced search for searching the root directory. After users input those keywords into the bar at the top of the page, the order of results will be based on similarity.
Faced with too many results that make it hard to locate your target content, you can narrow down the scope so as to get a more accurate retrieval by adding more filter items.

Use Smart Search
  • Only Match Name
Users can use this in [All] or [Images]. Check [Name Only] and users will only get the file/folder name matching the input keywords.

  • Sort by
Users can sort results in [All] or [Images] by fit (default), size, and time created.

  • Choose a Catalogue Template

Users can select different catalogue templates in [All]/[Images] on-demand. Besides, AnyShare can recognize whether a user is permitted to add a catalog template to a file based on their permissions.
Fuzzy/Exact Match
Users are entitled to choose how catalogue templates can be matched. The default is [Fuzzy Match]. [Exact Match] applies to get the results exactly matching with the catalogue template.
Things to note: Only if an administrator configures catalogue templates in the Management Console can the app show available templates.

Usage Restrictions
Those who have purchased the Content  Analysis and Retrieval Service and the Metadata Service can perform the function of fulltext retrieval.