Updated at: 2022-12-09 03:49:50

You can create multiple organizations for business groups, which are independent of each other.

Enter Organizations-> User Management->Organizations page, you can create, edit, as well as delete organizations.


After the organization is created. you may create departments. Still, on this tab, select the organization you'd like to create, then click Department and click Create Department.


The created organizations or departments can be to edited or deleted. Changing the site and email address, moving departments and users to other departments or organizations are also supported.

  • Create Users

Users are the AnyShare accounts that Admin manages. Admin can create users and make configurations to them via the following steps:

1. Enter Organizations->Users->User Organization page.

2. Select the organization where you'd like to create users.

3. Click User and choose Create User.

4. Type basic attributes of the user into the pop-up window.


Admin can edit, delete, remove, move the created users. Setting roles for them is also supported.

Admin can import organization for AnyShare users via domain controller or ODL files.

  • Import Domain User

1. Enter Organizations-> Users-> Domain Authentication page to add a domain controller first.

2. After domain controller is enabled, go to Organizations-> Users->User Organizations page. Click Import Organization.

3. Click Import Domain User.


4. Make  configuration in pop-up window and click Import.


Export and Import Organization
1. Click Organizations-> Users->User Organizations->Import Organization -> Export and Import Organization. Click Export and then you will export the default Excel of AnyShare. You can fill in the user information in the form and save it.
2. Click Select file in Export and Import Organization window, and select the excel file you saved in step 1. When importing users, you can choose to overwrite or skip the users with the same name.