Updated at: 2022-12-09 03:49:50
As you can see in the page of Organizations>-Documents, Super Admin and Organizational Admin can set User Documents, Department Documents, and Custom Documents. The operations they can perform include Add, Edit, Delete. Batch operation is also available.

The following steps will show to add, edit, and delete Department Documents.
  • Create Department Documents
Click Create or Bulk Create, and fill in the fields in the window, including Name, Department, Owner, Location, Quota, etc, and click OK to finish.

  • Edit & Delete Department Documents
Select the Department Documents you want to edit or delete. To edit it, you can change its name, owner, location, and quota. To delete it, you will be required to enter a login password to confirm the operation.

Admin can set the User Documents policy so that the data of User Documents will be cleared periodically.
In Policies -> Document Policy -> Document Settings, you can set the retention time for the deleted data from User Documents Trash, as well as the auto cleanup policy.