Updated at: 2022-12-09 03:49:50

Online User Statistics

You can go to Dashboards->User Statistics->Online User Statistics page to view real-time online users. To view the online users at a specified time, you can select a time point in the statistics graph.

On Dashboards->File Statistics page, you may check the file overview, historical trends, and use of your organization.

File Survey

Overview: You may check total files or group files in different formats as well as Pie charts visualization in this tab.

Historical Trends: You may check total files in the time duration by selecting a date, month, or year, or at a fixed time by moving the mouse to a point on the time bar.


Active Status

On Dashboards->File Statistics->Active Status page, you may check the file usage in the time duration and view the real-time file creation, editing, deletion, and its trends in the line charts.

Operation Statistics

On Dashboards->File Statistics->Operation Statistics page, you could check the operations of certain files and the statistics of rapid upload. If you want to check the file operations of a specified period, you shall do the following steps:

1. Click Operations and select operation type in the drop-down menu.

2. Select the start time & end time.

3. Click Search to get the operation statistics.