Updated at: 2022-12-09 03:49:50

1. Can I set the password for HTTP Share myself?

    NO, you can’t. The password for HTTP Share is randomly generated, ensuring file sharing security.

2.  How can I stop my sharing?

Stop Share

· Select the file/folder you have shared already.

· Click the Share button in the sidebar.

· Click the × icon behind of the user you’d like to stop sharing.


Stop HTTP Share

· Select the file/folder you have enabled HTTP Share already.

· Click the HTTP Share button in the sidebar.

· Click Close HTTPLink in the pop-up window.


3. If I made some modifications for the shared files, need I share it again?

No, you needn’t. The Sharedlink will sync with the file in a server within the validity. The content is always the latest.

4. Can I save the shared content to My Documents?

Yes, you can. However, it requires the file owner to configure the Download permissions with you. After saving the shared content to your own folder, the shared content will appear in the folder where you specified. Please follow the following steps:

  • Open the Sharedlink first
  • In the pop-up window, click Save
  • Select save path and click OK

The shared content will appear in the folder where you specified.

5. What will make the HTTP Share fail?

· The file owner stopped HTTP Share.

· The HTTPLink has expired.

· File/folder with HTTP Share enabled was removed or moved to other directories.