Updated at: 2022-12-09 03:49:50

You may encounter error codes when using AnyShare. To get the error meaning in different terminals, you can click the error code directly to navigate to help docs. Below are AnyShare error code list:

Error Code



AnyShare Web: The file /folder name cannot contain special characters  / : * ? " < > |, and its length cannot exceed 255 characters.
AnyShare Mac: The file name cannot exceed 255 characters or 85 Chinese characters in UTF-8 format. If the Cloud file name exceeds the limit, it won’t be displayed and cannot be created.
AnyShare iOS: The file name cannot exceed 255 UniCode characters. If the Cloud file name exceeds the limit, it won’t be displayed and cannot be created.
AnyShare Android: Max 255 UTF-8 bytes are supported by file system. If the file name exceeds the limit, the files in caching will fail.
AnyShare Office Plugin: The file/folder cannot exceed 255 characters, and cannot contain special characters /:*?"<>|.


AnyShare Mac: The file path cannot exceed 1023 characters or 341 Chinese characters in UTF-8 format. If the Cloud file name exceeds the limit, it won’t be displayed and cannot be created.
AnyShare iOS: The file path cannot exceeds1016 characters. If the Cloud file name exceeds the limit, it won’t be displayed and cannot be created.
AnyShare Android: The file path cannot exceed 4095 UTF-8 characters. If the file name exceeds limit, the files in caching will fail.
AnyShare Office Plugin: The file path (parent cache path+file name) for download cannot exceed 255 characters.