Updated at: 2022-12-20 03:23:47

Activate via Mails

1. On the left menu bar, click [User Management] > [User] to go to the "User" page.
2. At the top of the left page, click [Add] > [Activate by email] button.
3. In the "Create Users" dialog box, enter the following information:

Parameters Descriptions
Name The user name consists of Chinese, English, numbers and underscores, and the length is 1-50 digits.

Please enter your email address in the correct format.

Notes The notes consist of Chinese, English, numbers and special symbols, and the length is 0-150 digits.

4. Click [OK] button, the user created.


Activate via Passwords

1. At the top of the left page, click [Add] > [Activate by passwords] button.
2. In the "Create Users" dialog box, enter the following information:

Parameters Descriptions
Name The user name consists of Chinese, English, numbers and underscores, and the length is 1-50 digits.

Please enter your email address in the correct format.

Password Passwords consist of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special symbols only, and must be at least 8 digits long.

3. Click [Copy password and create] button, the user created.



When you set the password for the user, the system will automatically generate a random password, you can also manually enter the password or click [Refresh] button to select the password you want.