Updated at: 2023-02-17 02:18:55

In this example, we need to create two entities "order details" and "user".


⇒「Scheme 1:Manual Creation」

1. Enter the "Create Ontology" page, click the [Create Entity Class] button to pop up the "Entity Class" box on the right of the canvas.

2. Enter the following information.

Parameter Description Sample
Entity Class Name The entity class name consists of capital and lower-case letter, numbers and underscores, and the length is 1-50 digits. Two entities are created, which can be named "order detail" and "user".
Show Name

The show name consists of Chinese, English and numbers, and the length is 1-50 digits. All the show names default to the entity class name.

The show names for these two entities could be "订单详情" and "用户" respectively.

Color Select the color of the entities. -
Attribute List -

Attributes like "id", "order id", "item id", "item name", "price", and "item num" are added for "订单详情".


Attributes like "id", "sex", "age", "creation time" are added for "用户".

3. Add attributes. The detailed steps and parameters as shown below.

  • Click [+] button below the attribute list, enter "Attribute Name" in the text box, select "Type", and turn on "Index" switch. 
Parameter Description
Attribute Name The attribute name consists of capital and lower-case letter, numbers and underscores, and the length is 1-50 digits.

Select the type of attributes, including string, boolean, date, datetime, decimal, double, float and integer.

Index -

4. As you enter the information, the canvas will display information about the entity classes you created in real time. When the information is entered, you can see the full picture of the entity you created on the canvas.


⇒「Scheme 2:One-click Import」

1. In the toolbar at the top of the "Create Ontology" page, click the [One-click Import] button, and the "Select Ontology/Data Source/Model" edit box will pop up.

2. You can select the ontology you want to import in the "Select Ontology" edit box on the right.

3. Click [OK] button, the ontology imported.

4. Switch to the "Select Data Source" edit box and select "Sales_data".

5. Select the "order_detail" and "user" tables in the Data List, and you can preview the contents of the selected data table below the edit box.

6. Click [OK] button, the data source imported.

7. Switch to the "Select Model" edit box and select "Sci-tech News Model".

8. Click [OK] button, the model imported. At this point, you can click Summary Information at the top right of the canvas to view the number of entity and relationship classes in the ontology.