Updated at: 2022-12-09 03:49:50

Data security plays a crucial role in corporate digitalization. An enterprise must deploy its business system in a safe environment. With Illegal Content Management, Antivirus Service, Historical Version management, trash, and Remote Data Wipe and Device Disabling, AnyShare provides an overall solution for enterprises to ensure data security.

  • Illegal Content Management: the management of sensitive words and illegal content to protect corporate data security. 

  • Antivirus Service: a realtime antivirus service to prevent virus invasion.

  • Historical Version: the retention of historical versions of a file to prevent version loss and keep ransomware far away.

  • Trash: Files that are accidentally deleted can be restored in the trash. In addition, in support of the recycle bin, data security is further ensured and accidental deletion is less fatal.

  • Remotely Wipe Data and Disable Devices: If users lose their mobile devices, AnyShare can perform this function to avoid data breaches. When a mobile device is lost and cannot be found, AnyShare supports disabling it to further improve data security.

  • Watermark: Admins can use custom watermarking of AnyShare to add watermarks to a document library to avoid data breach, appropriation, and tampering. 

  • Security Level: four levels of security including Unclassified, Internal, Secret, and Classified to meet the corporate demand for security level.